About Us
Apostles Harvey and Jody Glass
It's a Family
The New Testament church is not just a good idea. It is not a community organization. It is what Paul describes to Timothy and instructs him on how to relate to and pastor members of his church in Ephesus. It is a family knitted together in love.
Everyone growing and learning at their level and their pace. It is a safe place to ask questions and make mistakes as everyone is growing and learning together.
As an active five-fold ministry family, we apostolically raise up the elder to teach the younger in the ways and purposes of Our Heavenly Father. He has a purpose for everyone on earth to be here at this time.
Our purpose in this ministry is to help every person find and fulfill their God-given calling and destiny. The first step is to know Jesus Christ as a personal Lord and Savior. Then to walk in that close relationship with Him. We teach people how to hear His voice and follow His leading.
The message of the Gospel is clear. This life changing message reveals the love of The Father and teaches us how to be His sons and daughters as joint heirs with Christ, and to walk in the power and authority of His anointing through His Holy Spirit.
A family is where everyone has a place at the table. As in a family, we are always here for one another.
Come and enjoy your place in this family as we learn, live, pray, and love together.
Everyone is welcome!
Online Services Only at this time, click "Online Church" to join our GLMI Online Church on Facebook.