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PROPHETIC WORD April 30, 2023

Grace Life Church Intl

Yesterday, the Lord started speaking to me early in the morning. And I wrote this down. This is a portion of it. This is what the Lord said to me yesterday:

“My people do not really know me. They don’t know My love for them. They know about Me. My love is the power to drive out every lie of the enemy and the fear that he brings into their hearts. The religious beliefs and mindsets are counterfeit and they are so deceiving. They have been told to love Me with their whole heart but how can they do that? If they don’t understand and experience My love for them first. Tell them how I love them and that they are Mine,” says the Lord.

This was a portion of what the Lord gave me yesterday. And then He started giving me scriptures. Things we’re going to look at today. But experiencing the love of God is not like love we know. Expressing the love of God is not expressing our commitment, our emotion. That is not the love of God. Because it won’t hold up. It’s not strong enough to hold up when the enemy comes in with lies. Man’s love. The way we have known it is but a trickle at best at what He has for us. If there’s one goal of my life as a prophet, as an apostle, as a pastor and teacher, is to do what God has called me to do. Is to create an atmosphere of worship – true worship to experience the love of God. The real love of God. Through the preaching of the Word. Through truth. Through the grace of God. Through the power of God and the demonstration of that power. To have people reach out and attain or apprehend what that love is for them. Because it drives out every other oppression, attack. It will strengthen you. It will embolden you. It will give you courage. And it will surround you and comfort you. This love is strong. And it is not the way we love. And when we come in contact with that, we truly find out who we are. We get a glimpse of the way we are cherished. And the intensity of the way that we are perceived and seen by God of the universe. And we also know who we are because He says, “You’re Mine.” So, we are no longer looking. Where do we fit? Where do we fit? We know that we are anchored with a Father God that says, “You’re Mine and stay right here with Me and learn what I say about you.” And then we hold that up above everything else. That’s what strengthens us. That’s what teaches us and trains us. That is what helps us put boundaries and not let the enemy come in. That’s what helps us to know the difference between a truth and a lie. Is the anchoring of knowing who we are and where that comes from. And that we belong to Him. So let that Word encourage you.

Many years ago, probably, goodness, more than 35 years ago. I was sitting in service, and I was sitting in the choir. And it was around Christmas time. And the pastor was going over some of the things about Christmas. And I just was sitting there. It rose up in my heart, in my spirit, “Lord, I just want to know more about the way that you love. I want to know about the love of who You are.” And it wasn’t necessarily something that the pastor said. Around that same time, he was talking about later about Mary’s response about, “Be it unto me according to thy Word Lord,” when the angel came to Mary. And immediately I said, Me too! Be it unto me according unto thy Word.” And in those couple of weeks, I wrote a song about it. But in those couple of weeks, the Lord put that kinda together. He kinda started building something about the way that He loves. And He started showing me scriptures. And it was an amazing journey. And it’s a lifelong journey. But I’m still on that journey. But I experienced a new understanding and interactive communication that was no longer filtered. That was no longer held back. And let me tell you something. When you understand how you’re loved. How much you’re loved. Do you know what happens? His Word opens up. It clears up you’re hearing in your spirit. It clears up the confusion of fear and doubt. It opens everything up. And I’m here to tell you that yesterday. I’ve known many levels, many levels and degrees of that opening up. Yesterday I experienced it again in a much bigger, much, much bigger encounter. And my heart for everyone who’s in the sound of my voice is if you can just get a portion of that. If you could just step out on that journey and just a few steps down the road of saying, “This is the love of God.” If you just get a taste and it makes you hunger for more. Lord, show me more. I’m getting it. I’m starting to experience it. Then it starts changing your whole world around you. It opens up the Word of God. It opens up the prophetic word within you. All of a sudden you can hear God’s voice clearer. It takes away all of the clutter. It takes away all of the confusion. It takes away all the other voices. It takes away all the lies. That’s what the love of God does. Hallelujah. Thank You Lord.


Sunday, April 30, 2023

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