The Lord would say to you today. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. The Lord says I give My Word. I give My Word. And My Word is faithful. Hold on to what I say. Hold on to what I have declared and decreed. I am working on your behalf, on behalf of this nation. On behalf of your life. On behalf of everything that concerns you. I am working. My plan, I am working. My agenda. Do not be so quick to get into your soul of what you feel and what you think and what you think you know. Hold on. Hold on. Yes. My people have lacked faith. They have lacked faith. They have lacked the ability to stand in the day of adversity. They have lacked My power in them, and they have leaned on their own understanding. I’m not only working on behalf of this nation. I am working on behalf of My people. And I am showing Myself strong.
Faith, has you stand in the face of the opposite of what God said. Do you not know, that is the enemy’s plan? Faith carries you. My word will carry you. Hold on to My Word. Trust My Word. Live in My Word. When all looks like it is shaken. When all looks like everything has failed. My Word will hold true. Do not be deceived by what you see. And do not be deceived by your own doubts. My Word will stand. Says the Lord. My Word will give you comfort. My Word will give you peace. And you will not be tossed this way and that. It will hold you steady, but you have to hold on. Meditate on My Word and what I say. Speak My Words. Confess My Words. My church, My people have an undisciplined mouth. Hold your tongue of doubts. Hold your tongue of unbelief. Hold your tongue! Of being tossed to and frow. Put My word in front of your eyes. Put Me in front of you and what I say. And it will steady you and it will keep you. It will strengthen you and it will move you. It will move you. Hold on. Wait expectantly to see My Word come to pass. Watch, and you will see. Watch, and you will see Me. Hold on. Hold on. Though it looks like it will tarry, My timing is perfect, and My Word is true. And I care about everything that concerns you. To the smallest detail of your life. I care about the big things and the little things. Everything that concerns you. Trust Me says the Lord. Trust Me. And hold on. Hold on to Me and hold on to My Word. And you will not be in desperation. You will not be in discouragement. You will not be in confusion. And you will not be downcast. Determine in your heart this day that what I say is true. And every name that says different is a liar. Hold on. Wait and expect My Word to come to pass. I’m surprised when you’re surprised says the Lord. When what I already told you comes to pass. Why should it surprise you? I will do what I say I am going to do. And that is the final Word. Hold on. Hold on and confess. Agree with Me. And repeat what I say. Let My Word rule and reign in your heart. Let My Words rule and reign in your mind. Let My Words rule and reign in your mouth. And give them place. Welcome. Receive the Word of the Lord today. Thank You Lord.
Right now, just say, Lord I receive that word. I receive that word. I receive that word. I welcome and honor it. And I hold fast to what You say. Yes.